Hi Guys
Fristly I hope you all had great Christmas & I'd like to wish you all
Best for 2011!
Please see bellow a extract from a letter that Stewart - Group Scout
Leader (GSL) sent out.
"We have managed to secure two bag packing dates in two different
stores, on the same weekend. Not ideal but these were the only offers
for 2011. The first store is ASDA Clydebank on Saturday 8th January,
and the second is Morrison's at Cardonald, on Sunday 9th January.
We now need your support to raise much needed funds for our Scout
Hall. This year we would like to carry out some vital repairs, to keep
the hall open.
I have sent out letters and emails hoping for support from every
member of the 30th Scout Group, if we all pull together I hope we can
raise over £1000."
Here's the part for parents:-
"I am looking to work it in two shifts per day, 10.30am until 2.30pm or
2.30pm until 5.30pm. If you wish you can do as many shifts as you
like, it would be good for each child to do two shifts if possible.
Please can you arrange to drop off your child outside the store at
10.30am or 2.30pm, a leader will meet you at the entrance. If you are
picking up, you must come into the store so we know your child has
been picked up safely. If you have problems with transport, please let
me know."
Full uniforms must be worn, if you don't have a uniform!
Please pass this onto any of the guys who might not get this.