Sunday, 28 November 2010


Here's my attempt @ a snowman...


SNOW Yas Go Go Go Go !

They'll be a price for the best snowman /snow-object!

All you have to do is take a picture of you and your creation and
bring it down on Friday!

Also if this weather holds come kitted out on Friday (hats & gloves
etc) and we'll go out somewhere!

Cheers Steg

Monday, 15 November 2010

Wee Uniform Reminder

Hi Guys

I'll be investing you all this Friday -  badge-tastic!!! which will required you all in FULL UNIFORM!

Check out the last post for details 


Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Investiture & Uniforms

Hi Guys

I hope you all enjoyed last weekends camp to Lochearhead. I'll be looking for feedback and any idea ideas you guys have for future camps?

I’m also going to be investing you all this Friday – which will required you all in Full Uniform!

Uniforms have fallen from the wayside lately & I’d like to sort that. You should be wearing your full uniform at the start of every troop night (unless otherwise stated).I’ll put up coat hooks in the den so you can leave your shirts their.

Bellow is a list of you uniform

Shirt -Explorer Scout Shirt (beige long sleeved)

Blouse- Explorer Scout Blouse (beige long sleeved)

Neckie -Troop Neckie – 30TH Glasgow Scout Troop

Trousers- Explorer Scout Activity trousers, or smart Black Trousers i.e

Skirt -Explorer Scout Skirt, or smart Black Skirt.

Belt -Scout Belt.

Footwear -Black Shoes or Boots.

